Tuesday, 9 May 2017

Shep Island - Energy Production

Shep Island Power Production
In Shep Island, energy is produced by eco friendly windmills, water wheels and solar panels. The reason for this is that Shep wishes to keep the place environmentally friendly, reducing pollution to a minimum.

Shep Island - Map

Shep Island is located in between Canada and Greenland in the North Atlantic Ocean.

Shep Island - Demography

Shep Island Demographic Statistics
Population - 20 people, 10 males, 10 females.
Gender Equality - Shep respects both genders equally. Gender Shaming is punishable.
Current Age Range (How old the current population are) - 16 - 24
Age Limits (The minimum and maximum age allowed) - No limits, any age is allowed.

Shep Island - Spirituality

Shep Island Spirituality
In Shep Island, religion can be a little bit strict. Some religion is okay to Shep, such as Christianity and Judaism. As long as they don't force it onto anyone, they're fine to follow it.

Shep Island's Present Religions:
No Religion - 60% of Population.
Christianity - 20% of Population.
Judaism - 15% of Population.
Sheefinism - 5% of Population.

Sunday, 7 May 2017

Shep Island - Health

Shep Island and Health
Health and Hygiene is managed perfectly on Shep Island. The island has 2 people that manage the community. They are both highly trained in their jobs.

Tibby Tebiri
Tibby is a Dentist who has been training in dental hygiene for most of his life. He provides his services for free to everyone that lives on Shep Island. Tibby will provide tooth brushes and tooth paste for everyone and if anyone requires dental surgery he'll perform it as soon as possible. 

Bep is the doctor of Shep Island. While she would rather provide her services at a cost, Shep makes her provide them for free. Bep is an ex military nurse and has even performed emergency surgery on herself. There is no such thing as a failed surgery when it comes to Bep.

Shep Island - Economy

Shep Island's Economy

The currency used is Trix (Ø) and Schweppes (§). Shep was eating Trix cereal and drinking Schweppes lemonade when he was coming up with the currency.
1Ø = $2 Australian
1Ø = $1.50 American
1§ = $0.20 Australian
1§ = $0.15 American
1Ø = 10§