Sunday, 30 April 2017

Shep Island - Government

Shep Island's Government

Shep gives a small rule book out to anyone who moves onto the Island. All residents are expected to follow these rules under no exceptions.

The Rules to Shep Island
1. No violence.
2. No disrespecting of others.
3. Everyone must be treated equally.
4. People must be educated from ages 4-18
5. Residents must be in their home by 10pm. Exceptions may apply.
6. Smoking is prohibited.
7. Littering is prohibited.
8. No pollution producers.

If the rules are broken, action will be taken. Shep is very serious about his laws.

If a rule is broken, a punishment will be dished out. The severity of the punishment varies on the rule that was broken. The death penalty will never be used, however, Shep thinks it's inhumane to use the death penalty.

Elections don't exist in this island. Shep will always be the leader until he dies. Leadership will be passed down by Shep when the time comes. Everyone is alright with this as they have trust in Shep. 

Shep doesn't believe in money. He believes in the phrase "For the people, of the people!". Residents must exchange services in order to get something. 

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